ActiveSignal Smart Cell Signalling Products

More Effective but Safer than Conventional Medicines

Millions of Micro Doses from One Pill

All living cells sense and respond to their environment by means of mechanisms known as cell signalling pathways. These mechanisms are part of a complex system of communications that govern basic cellular activities and coordinate the actions of cells.

In multicellular organisms, every cell comprising every tissue, organ, or organ system, constantly strives to maintain homeostasis in the face of destabilising influences. Whether it is external stimuli such as exposure to chemicals, changes in oxygen tension, or natural alterations in pH or adjustments to osmolality due to normal cellular metabolism, each cell in the body is equipped with the molecular machinery required to sense these environmental changes and respond to them.

The responsiveness of a cell to its environment relies on detection systems that sense changes outside the cell and are coupled to signal transduction pathways that generate appropriate cellular responses.

At a cost of many millions of dollars, increasing numbers of researchers are continuing to investigate cell-to-cell signalling and the intracellular response to signalling.

Cell signalling refers to the process by which extracellular substances produce an intracellular response. This is an essential and widespread biological phenomenon by which hormones, neurotransmitters, and other agents regulate cellular function. In some cases, the natural agent inducing the response is present on the surface of a nearby cell, or is present in the extracellular matrix on which cells reside.

Most drugs exert their effects by affecting signalling pathways. Thus, the study of signal transduction mechanisms is a major focus in many fields of biomedical research, including pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical sciences, immunology, biochemistry, and pathology. Significantly, many of the recent breakthroughs in drug development stem from basic studies on signalling molecules.

Seven years ago, Warren Ward, of ActiveSignal Ltd, set out to investigate the creation of an exogenous signalling pathway as a therapeutic method of cell signalling via epithelial surfaces and thus activating total body cellular signalling. This therapeutic method is particularly useful for chronic conditions where the physiology has moved away from the normal natural interactive controls or homeostasis, e.g. essential hypertension. There are five great advantages of this method of medication:

  • Molecules can be used to affect cell signalling without the molecules having to be dissolved in body fluids.

  • Molecules can be used to reinstate normal homeostasis of humans and animals with chronic conditions, in contrast to conventional drugs which often interfere with normal physiological processes.

  • Molecules which are found naturally in the body can be used to beneficially affect cell signalling pathways.

  • Since, in contrast to conventional drugs, there is no dissolution or elimination, the molecules can be carefully targeted to avoid all side effects, creating a high level of safety.

  • Molecules, including established therapeutic molecules, can be used to affect cell signalling pathways more effectively but much more safely than conventional drugs.
Warren reasoned that the creation of an exogenous signalling pathway would require both the presence of introduced molecules in proximity to the epithelial surfaces, and transient presentation of such chemicals in microscopic quantities, or apparent microscopic quantities, to the cells of the epithelial surfaces. Induced changes in their immediate environment could be calculated to elicit a response by the epithelial cells.

After a large number of experiments it was found that a rapid response could be achieved by transient presentation of appropriate chemicals to the epithelial surface. The optimum method determined was the enclosure of chemicals within a microscopically perforated robust coating together with arrangements to ensure that these coated chemicals had constant movement, or apparent constant movement. A number of coated products can be formulated in this way. The most wanted formulation is the pill which gives millions of micro doses as it passes through the body.

The 'Smart Cell Signal'tm provides exactly the right dose, a continuous dose for as long as required, and with no side effects, the Holy Grail of pharmacology.

Warren's research enabled the filing of a comprehensive patent in 2003. The patent has now been granted throughout Europe EP 1656120 and in many other countries.

ActiveSignal Ltd has exclusive worldwide rights to this novel technology. Please contact us for further information, or for asking about licensing the technology.

The Horses page describes our novel product, the Equiwinnertm patch for horses. Equiwinnertm addresses four previously intractable debilitating conditions in horses and was the first curative product to use safe exogenous pathway cell signalling. Equiwinnertm has been distributed worldwide since 2004, with over 12,000 horses successfully treated.